Saturday, June 27, 2009

Logo cont'd

Modified the design in the background.
...A lot of gradient is being used here,
my professors will probably found my
house and burn it down.

1 comment:

  1. I like the graphic going on behind it, but I think that the scraggliness of the type makes it look really, really weird with not only a gradient in those colors, but a bevel, a stroke, and an outer glow. I suggest dumping all the effects, and working a better color combo for the gradient (if you really, really wanna keep it), as the yellow--blue/black makes it look really muddy and gross, which I really don't think you're going for. I'd suggest doing something with that melony color you have in the graphic, as that's really cute and better fits the overall mood for your story. But yeah, yellow -> black will always come out looking like puke green =\\
